Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved music. She didn't know how, but she always knew that she would make her mark on the world with music. When she went to college, her mentors impressed upon her that creating a music career would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. She triumphed over the nay-sayers and became very musically accomplished, and landed a fancy job. Life was grand! ...or was it?
[insert dreamy whole tone scales played on a harp and a fade-out here]
My name is Larkin, otherwise known as the Clever Clarinetist! I am so delighted that you have visited this website and chosen to explore my store. My post-graduate school life seemed like any 21st century musician's dream scenario except for one crucial aspect: I was miserable. So, I decided to make a change.
I was in the early phases of earning my doctorate in performance when I became deeply entrenched in the musical manufacturing industry. I began working as a Woodwind Method Clinician for D'Addario & Co., and it quickly became one of my favorite aspects of musical work (right after my work for the Taneycomo Festival Orchestra). Through my work as a clinician, I became connected to many significant manufacturers in the clarinet industry and found my niche: I love sharing my knowledge about the clarinet and helping people become their best musical self.
So, the Clever Clarinetist exists for any clarinetist that aspires for a happier clarinet-playing life. Together, we'll find the best gear combinations, correct bad habits, improve technical facilities, channel our inner artistry, and more!
Questions? Just ask. I'm here for YOU!
